
Watch Aaj Tak news live tv streaming in HD

Watch the latest Hindi news on the most popular Aaj Tak news live tv channel in HD quality free online. you can watch your favorite and the most trusted Aaj Tak Hindi news tv channel through your smartphone or laptop in high-quality absolutely for free.

Watch Aaj Tak news live tv online


About Aaj Tak Hindi news live tv channel

Aaj Tak news live tv channel is one of the oldest Hindi news channels in India. It is one of the most trusted and most viewed Hindi language news channel, which was owned by Living Media Group. This was first launched on 31st December 2000 and its high definition Hindi news channel 'Aaj Tak HD' was launched on 14th December 2018.

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Aaj Tak news staff

Chairman - Aroon Purie
Executive Editor - Anjana Om Kashyap
Executive Editor - Sweta Singh
Editor - Rohit Sardana

How to contactAaj Tak channel!

Aaj Tak channel contact number

You can contact Aaj Tak channel, by these medium given below:

Whatsapp number - 8800002424

Phone number - +91-120-4807100

Email address -